What is Radon?
Radon is a colorless, odorless, carcinogenic [soil] gas that enters buildings through small cracks and openings in the foundation. The only way to identify the levels inside the building is to test for the radon.
We are licensed to provide all types of radon detection testing, including:
DCFS testing
Follow-up radon testing
Real estate transaction testing
The US Environmental Testing LLC radon professionals service commercial buildings, day care centers, multi-famliy dwellings, and residential homes.
If levels are found to exceed the EPA Action level of 4.0 picocuries per liter [air] (pCi/L), we will make recommendations in finding appropriate remediation solutions.
What is radon? How does it enter a building?
Radon is a natural [soil] gas, which is: colorless, odorless, and carcinogenic. Radon enters buildings openings through small cracks and openings in the in the foundation. The only way to identify the levels inside the building is to test for the radon. from below and it raises from the earth. When this gas is inhaled, the decaying radon gas separates into radioactive radon decay products (RDPs). These RDPs, contain alpha- and beta- radiation and damage the lining of the lungs over time.
Long-term exposure to radon may lead to lung cancer. The United States Department of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have identified the lung cancer mortality rate from radon exposure to be approximately 21,000.
We are licensed to provide radon testing for all types of buildings, including:
DCFS testing for private and commercial day care centers
Follow-up radon testing
Real estate transaction testing
Compliance radon testing
University and Education testing

Types of radon detection:
Diagnostic measurements: an initial test performed to identify radon levels in a dwelling.
Follow-up measurements: a second test performed to confirm levels previously detected; usually performed to verify the results of a home-test kit or to verify another company's test result.
Short- and Long- term measurement: Short- term measurements last forty-eight hours to 90-days, while long term measurements tend to last 91 days to one year in duration.
Pre- and post- mitigation measurements: a pre-mitigation test may be any test performed prior to mitigation solutions are performed. While post-mitigation testing includes a second test to determine efficacy of the radon mitigation system. The post-mitigation test shall be performed 24 hours to 30-days after the installation and activation of the mitigation system.
Are you in need of a radon measurement?
US Environmental Testing specialize in professional radon measurement, which includes single family homes, duplex and condominiums.
If you are in search of a mitigation company, we team up with reputable radon mitigation firms to get the job done.
Are you a buyer, involved in a real estate transaction? Seeking a pre-closing radon measurement? Northern Illinois Radon is the solution for you.
Has it been two years (or longer) since you have tested your home? Contact Northern Illinois Radon to learn about the importance of testing your home and how to protect your family from the health risks of radon.
Take advantage of the many services Northern Illinois Radon offers and breathe confidently knowing that the air in your home has been tested, and does not have harmful levels of radon in the air! Services we offer include:
New construction and remodeling
Pre- and post-mitigation measurements
Short and long-term measurements
How to prepare for a closed building radon measurement:
To follow are the steps to follow, before and during a radon measurement by
US Environmental Testing to properly prepare a building for a closed-building radon measurement.
Following these guidelines are important to assure measurement accuracy. Should there be any questions or concerns please contact US Environmental Testing for answers and solutions.
1. Keep exterior doors and windows for 12 hours prior to the start of this test, the continual use of exterior doors for normal entry and exit is allowed and expected. Keep all windows, doors and other openings to the outside closed during the testing period.
2. Set the thermostat to 72 Degrees Fahrenheit (plus or minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit) and set to "Auto". Do not change the testing environment in any way, including but not limited to, opening windows, leaving doors open, changing thermostat or fan settings or cause outside air to be introduced into the home.
3. Operation of mechanical systems that draw air out of building may adversely affect the test results. Any test device(s) placed should not be disturbed and the location should not be changed. Report to
US Environmental Testing any circumstances or events that may cause the conditions outlined above to be violated in any way or manner, and any circumstance that may have an influence of the testing conditions or results. If any of these guidelines are not followed and the test results appear to be incorrect, a re-test may be required.
4. When the radon monitors are placed and test is started, tamper evident seals will be installed on all windows. These should not be removed until the measurement is concluded.
5. Forty-eight (48) hours after the start of the radon measurement, the measurement will conclude and you will have (verbal) results at time of monitor retrieval. A formal report will be prepared within 24 hours and delivered electronically (email, fax) and by mail (upon request).